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Computer and Information Science

Computer and Information Science

Image of tree emerging from the ground with colourful leaves and CoLIS 2025 written in black text

Conceptions of Library and Information Science COLIS2025


CoLIS is a series of international conferences aiming to provide a broad forum for the exploration and exchange of ideas in the field of Library and Information Science, Information Studies, and related disciplines.


More information can be found on the CoLIS 2025 webpage.

Attendee CategoryCost   
1. Student early bird£350.00[Read More]
2. Non-student early bird£500.00[Read More]
University of Strathclyde Glasgow written in black text on white background with university crest

The 41st British Colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science


The British Colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science (BCTCS) is an annual event for UK-based researchers in theoretical computer science. A central aspect of BCTCS is the training of PhD students, providing an environment for students to gain experience in presenting their work, to broaden their outlook on the subject, and to benefit from contact with established researchers. The scope of the colloquium includes all aspects of theoretical computer science, including automata theory, algorithms, complexity theory, semantics, formal methods, concurrency, types, languages and logics.


More information can be found on the BCTCS webpage.

Attendee CategoryCost   
1. Registration fee£60.00[Read More]
University of Strathclyde Glasgow written in black text on white background with university crest

Cybercrime Summer School


The 8th Strathclyde International Perspectives on Cybercrime Summer School will run Monday 25th-Friday 29rd August 2025 at the University of Strathclyde with a research symposium on Monday 25th August. Students (PhD, MSc, UG), practitioners, and academics are welcome to register.


More information can be found on the Cybercrime Summer School webpage.

Attendee CategoryCost   
1. Delegate with a Voucher£0.00[Read More]
2. Standard delegate£90.00[Read More]
3. Speakers and organisers£0.00[Read More]
4. One day ticket£25.00[Read More]

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