School of EducationSchool of EducationPlanning for Young ChildrenDescriptionThis training will explore the key principles for planning with children’s interests and puzzles at the centre. How do we record our planning to allow for the voice of the child? Do we share our planning with the children? Do we really let children drive the curriculum? The questions will be examined throughout the presentation and there will be time for questions and answers. More information can be found on the School of Education webpage.
Documenting Young Children's LearningDescriptionThis training is designed to support staff document young children’s learning to allow both the educator and children to revisit, re-evaluate and redesign their learning. The children’s puzzles or key questions will allow staff to record the process of the children’s learning. More information can be found on the School of Education webpage.
A Child's Train of ThoughtDescriptionThis training will consider how to skilfully track children’s train of thought throughout our observations. A model has been created which clearly links to Realising the Ambition and challenges educators to explore the development of the child’s thought process. There will also be time for small group discussions.
More information can be found on the School of Education's webpage.
Revisiting Reggio EmiliaDescriptionThis training will examine the key principle of the Reggio Emilia Approach and explore an adaptation of the project approach for young children. Examples will be shared throughout the presentation to develop a deeper understanding of the approach. The environment and aesthetics for learning will be explored to allow educators to revisit and reconsider an alternative approach to learning. There will be time for small group discussions. More information can be found on the School of Education webpage.
Children's VoiceDescriptionUNCRC: Article 12 all children have a right to have their voices heard and taken into account. This training will examine the importance of children’s voice to allow educators to design an effective environment and learning experience which will fully engage the child. As educators, we need to value children’s communications, views, puzzles and feelings. More information can be found on the School of Education's webpage.
New to PlayDescriptionThis training will support educators who are starting to implement play pedagogy within the setting. Educators should attend each session. Session 1 - 2 June 2025 How Young Children Learn – clear links to current research will be examined throughout to allow educators to build a solid foundation prior to making any key changes. Session 2 - 3 June 2025 Designing the Environment for Play – an effective model will be explored to allow educators to transform their environment to allow children choice and ownership for their play. Session 3 - 5 June 2025 Organising for Learning – explaining the balance of learning experiences for children and the role of the adult to support this. Session 4 - 9 June 2025 Observing Children’s Learning – to support children’s learning we need to take time to notice their learning through play. We need to develop observation skills to make effective changes. More information can be found on the School of Education's webpage.
Accelerating Play to Primary 3DescriptionThis training will explore the progression of play into Primary 3. The model explored will look at inquiry learning for children and how we organise for children’s learning. Ownership and children leading the learning are central to this approach. Examples will be shared by two educators who have successfully integrated play into Primary 3 within their setting. They will take time to discuss the journey, challenges and changes to pedagogy.
More information on this course is available on the School of Education webpage.