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Research and Knowledge Exchange

Research and Knowledge Exchange

University of Strathclyde Glasgow written in black text on white background with university logo

PCE Europe Symposium 2025


The 6th PCE Europe Symposium will be held at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow from 21 – 23 November 2025 (with a pre-symposium event on 20 November). The symposium is organised on behalf of PCE Europe by three partner organisations: the Counselling Unit of the University of Strathclyde, the Association for Person-Centred Creative Arts and Person-Centred Therapy Scotland. The symposium theme is: Growing in Difficult and Challenging Places.


More information can be found on the PCE Europe Symposium 2025 webpage.

Attendee CategoryCost   
1. Early Bird Standard Fee£285.00[Read More]
10. Day rate Early Bird Concessions Fee£85.00[Read More]
11. Day rate Early Bird Student Fee£70.00[Read More]
2. Early Bird Members Fee£235.00[Read More]
3. Early Bird Concessions Fee£235.00[Read More]
4. Early Bird Student Fee£205.00[Read More]
5. Online Early Bird Fee£155.00[Read More]
6. Online Early Bird Members & Concessions Fee£125.00[Read More]
7. Online Early Bird Student£105.00[Read More]
8. Day rate Early Bird Fee£105.00[Read More]
9. Day rate Early Bird Members Fee£85.00[Read More]

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