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Genetic Genealogy Symposium

Attendee Categories

Event Information

Blue and purple background with a pink DNA strand in the forefront
Date of Event
26th April 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
25th April 2025


International academic genetic genealogy symposium held by the Strathclyde Institute for Genealogical Studies (SIGS).


On the 26th of April 2025, attend the Further Discussions in Advancing Genetic Genealogy symposium online hosted by the Strathclyde Institute for Genealogical Studies (SIGS). The symposium will be interdisciplinary in nature, with presentations focussing on current research projects. There will be a focus on autosomal DNA, investigative genetic genealogy and methodologies involving unknown parentage cases.


More information can be found on the SIGS Advancing Genetic Genealogy Conference website. 

Attendee CategoryCost   
1. Standard price£65.00

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